Welcome to the Team page of I3Lab at Politecnico di Milano. Our diverse team of talented researchers is united by a passion for pushing the boundaries of interactive technology. With backgrounds in software engineering, human-computer interaction, design, neuroscience, psychology, and linguistics, we foster a multidisciplinary environment.
Collaboration is key to our success as we work closely with renowned research labs, institutions, and centers. Together, we strive to make a positive impact and shape the future of interactive technology. Get to know our exceptional team members who are driving innovation in the field.

Franca Garzotto
Franca Garzotto is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bio-engineering at Politecnico di Milano, where she also serves as the director of i3lab. Her academic background comprises a Degree in Mathematics from the University of Padova (Italy) and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. Her research centers on cutting-edge interactive technology with a focus on social impact and a special attention to the needs of persons with cognitive disability. Franca has successfully coordinated over 20 national and international projects and has been an ERC reviewer since 2012. The courses she teaches at Polimi include “Web Applications” and “Advanced User Interfaces” in the Master Program “Computer Science and Engineering” and “Interaction Design Studio” in the Master Program “Communication Design.”

Valentin Bauer
Research Fellow

Pietro Crovari
Research Fellow

Mattia Gianotti
Research Fellow

Giacomo Caslini
Ph.D. Student

Mathyas Giudici
Ph.D. Student

Alberto Patti
Ph.D. Student

Matteo Secco
Ph.D. Student

Fabio Catania
External Collaborator

Marco Mores
External Collaborator

Francesco Vona
External Collaborator